Thinking about selling your home? We have many interested buyers in the area ready to make you an offer. I'll be here every step of the way to make this process stress-free and easy to navigate. From connecting you to buyers, guiding you through the listing process and more, I'm here for you every step of the way.

let's sell your home


With over 4 years in the real estate world, specializing in investment properties and vacation rentals, I'm here to make this process seamless.



Over the last 5 years I have significant experience in marketing and scaling numerous businesses which allows me to understand the intricacies of standing out, buyer's psychology, and sales strategies.

I am a Florida state licensed REALTOR working with one of the top real estate brokerages in the county. I'm also a proud member of the National Association of Realtors. Additionally, I have been studying and personally investing in real estate for over 3 years in both California and Florida.

Why work with me? 

your home's worth:  

get a Free home valuation.


Although it's  not always the first things you think about when selling your home, the timing of your sale can have an impact on the amount of time your home spends on the market — and the sales price you achieve. I will guide you through this process and make sure the timing is right for you desires 


My Selling process

Deciding when to sell

I will guide you through pricing your home at the perfect price using comparative market analysis, a tool used to get an accurate idea of your home's value. It's calculated by comparing sales prices of homes recently sold in your area and takes into consideration data points such as square footage, the condition of your home, and any special features it has. We will work together to price the home at the perfect selling price!


Pricing your home

The next step will be preparing your home to make sure everything is perfect for buyers! We will navigate marketing strategies and I will work with you on scheduling showing for buyers to view the home and make offers. 


Preparing, marketing, and showing your home

Once you receive an offer on your home, unless it's for your full asking price, you'll likely negotiate with the buyer to reach a sales price that's mutually beneficial.
If you plan to negotiate, the first thing to do is present the buyer with a counteroffer, which I will do as your agent. As your real estate agent I will advise you on the appropriate way to respond to buyer's offers.


Fielding offers and negotiations

Once the inspection and appraisal are done and the paperwork's in order, you're ready for the closing table. On the closing day, the seller legally transfers ownership of the property to the buyer. In order to complete the sales process, both parties must meet all the conditions stipulated in the sales contract, and this includes settling all closing costs.

